PMS-Menopause, depression, Gastro-intestinal Disorders, Smoking Cessation, Arthritis, Sports & Back Injuries, Auto-immune Disorders, Cancer - Side Effects of Chemo, Acupuncture & Chinese Herbal Medicine, Women's Health Issues, anxiety, Non Surgical Cosmetic Facelift, stress, Acute & Chronic Pain
Acupuncture and Traditional Chinese Herbal Medicine are your choice because you deserve the best. TCM is a comprehensive, wholistic medical system based on 5,000 years of practice ...more...See more text
You can be assured that Skintastic uses only most advanced technology and modern techniques to restore and repair your skin's optimal health.You will feel the difference, but also...more...See more text
KMI X-Ray & Ultrasound is a locally owned and community based Imaging Clinic operated by Kingston Radiologists. All of our Radiologists hold academic appointments at Queen’s Univer...more...See more text
KMI X-Ray & Ultrasound is a locally owned and community based Imaging Clinic operated by Kingston Radiologists. All of our Radiologists hold academic appointments at Queen’s Univer...more...See more text
X-rays, Ultrasound, Medical Consultation, Medical Assessment, Mammogram, General Surgery, Diabetes Care, Blood Tests
Hotel Dieu Hospital (HDH) provides specialized care for pre-surgical screenings, diabetes, breast assessments, bariatric, chronic pain and cardiac rehabilitation programs. Visit ou...more...See more text
Dr Jelink and team, nurses and staff: I had a whipple operation 10yrs ago today, and want to thank each and everyone for the chance you gave me to enjoy another 10 plus yrs. I am able to get out golfing 3 times a week and during the rainy season take to my paint brushes. But most of all I enjoy my loving wife and her great meals as we still live in our home. Also, my 8 grandkids and one great grandchild keep us young at heart for sure. Words do not say how happy I am Thanks Bruce Read more