Is there a cure for jaundice?

October 29, 2014

To stop jaundice, there are several treatment options. Discover what jaundice is and how you can prevent it.

Is there a cure for jaundice?

What is jaundice?

Jaundice is a buildup of the pigment bilirubin (a byproduct of the breakdown of red blood cells) in the skin. Instead of being processed and eliminated by the body, bilirubin accumulates in the body and causes jaundice.

It isn't a disease in itself but rather a symptom of an underlying condition. It therefore cannot be cured by simply treating the symptom.

Diseases and conditions that cause jaundice

  • Hepatitis A, B, C, D and E;
  • Hepatitis caused by alcohol and certain medications;
  • Autoimmune hepatitis (when the immune system attacks its own liver cells);
  • Liver disease (caused by alcoholism);
  • Gilbert's syndrome;
  • Gallstones;
  • Cholestasis (blockage of the exhaust channels, bilirubin);
  • Liver, pancreatic or gallbladder cancer;
  • Malaria;
  • Some types of anemia;
  • Newborn jaundice (mostly harmless and usually resolves by itself).

The above list doesn’t include all the possible causes of jaundice. If you suspect you have jaundice, it’s important you consult with your family doctor to get a professional medical opinion.

Symptoms of jaundice

  • The skin and the conjunctiva (the whites of the eyes) turn yellow.
  • In cases of viral hepatic jaundice the warning symptoms resemble the flu.
  • In the case of jaundice caused by a liver malfunction, due to excessive breakdown of red blood cells, the individual’s urine will be brownish.
  • In the case of an obstruction of the gallbladder, the individual will have pale stool.
  • In the case of gallstones, the individual will have abdominal pain.
  • In infants there will be increased fatigue and irritability.

Tumours are generally painless. With or without a stomach ache, if you have jaundice it doesn’t necessarily mean you have a tumour.

Do you like eating lots of carrots?

People who consume a lot of carrots or beta-carotene supplements can also develop a yellowish/orange complexion. In this case, people will experience yellowing of the skin, but their eyes will not be affected. This isn’t jaundice but rather too much of a good thing.

Preventing jaundice

It’s always the underlying cause of jaundice that needs to be addressed; the jaundice itself is a symptom. The two biggest culprits, viral hepatitis and cirrhosis, can be kept in check if treated.

A vaccine is available to treat both hepatitis A and B. Stopping or even reducing the amount of alcohol you consume can help prevent liver disease caused by alcoholism (cirrhosis of the liver). Newborns with jaundice can be treated with phototherapy to clear up the condition, but it usually goes away all by itself.

If your skin or eyes turn yellow, make an appointment with your family doctor. Ailments associated with jaundice are serious diseases and must be diagnosed and treated as soon as possible.

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