How to make poached peaches and pears in a blueberry jus

October 9, 2015

Low in calories, peaches make a perfect healthy snack or dessert, with vitamin C to fortify the body's immune system. Peaches also contain beta-carotene, which the body converts to vitamin A for healthy skin and eyes. Few things are more mouth-watering than a juicy peach and a ripe pear, and poaching is a great way to make them extra delectable. Using nothing but the goodness of fresh fruit and juice guarantees a sweet but healthy dessert and here is a step-by-step recipe to help you reach that sweet perfection.

How to make poached peaches and pears in a blueberry jus

Poached peaches and pears in a blueberry jus

Preparation time 5 minutes

Cooking time 30 minutes

Serves 4

  • 1 L (4 c) blueberry juice drink
  • 2 large firm peaches
  • 2 large pears
  • 125 ml (1/2 c) blueberries

1. Pour the blueberry juice drink into a large pot. Halve and pit the peaches, leaving skins on, and add them to the pot as they are prepared. Peel, halve and core the pears and add them to the pot.

2. Bring the mixture to a boil over high heat, reduce heat to medium so the juice is simmering, and poach the fruit for 10 minutes, or until tender, testing the fruit with the tip of a knife. Use a slotted spoon to transfer the fruit to a bowl, then set aside.

3. Increase heat to high and boil the liquid for 20 minutes, or until it is reduced to a thick glaze. Watch it carefully after 10 minutes so that it doesn't boil over. Divide the fruit among four bowls and spoon a little glaze over each portion. Top with fresh blueberries and serve.

More ideas

  • Try raspberry juice drink instead of blueberry and top peaches and pears with 125 ml (1/2 cup) raspberries instead of blueberries.
  • If you can't find blueberry or raspberry juice drink, red grape juice will also work.
  • Try dried peaches or mango slices instead of fresh peaches. Use two dried peach halves per portion or three mango slices. Poach the dried fruit with the pears for five minutes.

Cook’s tips

Firm peaches do not shed their skins when cooked but become tender and juicy. They also retain heat better than peeled fruit and remain warm while the cooking liquid is being reduced. For a healthy breakfast treat, prepare the glazed fruit the day before, cool, cover and store in the fridge overnight.

Nutritional information: 194 Calories, 0 g Fat, 0 g Saturated Fat, 48 g Carbohydrates, 1 g Protein, 5 g Fibre

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