The beauty of begonias lies in their versatility. They can be found in shrub beds or by themselves in containers. Here are ways to get the most from these pretty annuals.
Petunias come in just about any colour except orange, which makes them a top choice for gardeners among summer-flowering annuals. Here are five helpful pointers for growing these care-free flowers in your garden for maximum colour and appeal.
When you want vivid garden colour without a lot of fuss, look no further than cosmos -- not the stars in the sky but the colourful flower. Here are some interesting facts and tips to help you grow your own.
A balcony garden works well if you have limited space but still want to garden. You might think you can only keep flowers in a balcony garden, but various other plants — including edibles — can be grown. Here's the important factors to consider.
There’s nothing like a fresh, juicy tomato from your own yard. The taste is second to none and they can be used in everything from salads to pasta sauces. To make a tomato plant grow healthily, you need to prune regularly. These 4 tips will help.
Window boxes offer an elegant place to grow flowers and plants. They look beautiful from the outside and can also be enjoyed from the inside. Here are eleven ideas for dressing up your windows with flower boxes.
Some of your favourite spring blooms can be grown indoors months ahead of time. Here's the easiest way to "force" flowers and get a jump on the growing season.
Although the iris blooming season is short, especially in spring, the blossoms rival those of orchids in their exotic details. Here are some tips if you'd like to see them growing in your garden.
Blooming in concert with daffodils, tulips and other spring-flowering bulbs, woodland phlox grow into casual colonies, covering the ground and lighting up the shade with their white, blue, pink and lavender blossoms. These easy-care native plants add
Named for their grape-like clusters of tiny urn-shaped blossoms, grape hyacinths are adaptable, hardy, virtually care-free little plants that grow almost anywhere in the garden in the springtime.
Although some of the insect visitors to your garden are plant-eating pests, most others help to keep your garden healthy. So how can you attract the beneficial insects – the ones that protect your plants and keep the pests at bay? Here are some tips.
Like other plants with blue flowers, bluestar is always welcome in the garden because of its ability to flatter everything in its presence. Here are some tips if you're keen to cultivate bluestar flowers and make them a colourful part of your spring
The ruggedness of this plant makes it an excellent choice not just for a woodland garden, but any type of garden. Here are some facts and growing advice for this hardy spring flowering plant.
Although they may look delicate, snowdrops are very hardy little flowers that bloom before the last of winter's snow has melted. Here are some tips for cultivating snowdrops in your garden.
Tulips are the quintessential spring bulb, available in many sizes, shapes and colours to suit any landscape. By selecting varieties with different flowering times, you can enjoy a steady display of blooms from early to late spring. Here are some poi
Daffodils are versatile bulbs, as comfortable in formal landscapes as in meadows or open woodlands. Follow these tips to grow healthier and more colourful daffodils in your garden.
Their often fragrant, trumpet-shaped blossoms in white, pink, yellow and orange have earned lilies the nickname "queen of the bulbs." Here are some quick tips for growing and maintaining these showy, sometimes large, eye-catching favourites.
When you're planning your spring garden, include the herbs that you most commonly toss into your cart at the grocery store. Enjoy the satisfaction of using the fresh, organic and readily available flavours produced right in your home.
Something been nagging your hostas? With a wide range of culprits, from insects to fungus and woodland creatures, you have your work cut out for you. But with these tips, you and your hostas have a fighting chance.