Homeopathic medicine is the fastest growing system of medicine in the world because it is highly effective, safe and deep acting. Julie Henry, has been practicing for 16 years and has experience treating a wide range of conditions including: asthma, allergies, depression, arthritis, fibromyalgia, ADHD, bowel problems, skin problems, hormonal problems and anxiety. Homeopathy, as a form of energy medicine, uses very small doses of substances from nature to energetically stimulate the body to heal itself. Homeopathic remedies work to correct the disturbances that exist on all levels - mental, emotional and physical. Homeopathy uses remedies that fit a person's needs rather than routinely using the same medicine in all cases of a particular illness. Successful homeopathic treatment results in an overall increase in health and well-being, vitality, mental clarity and peace of mind. Homeopathy can work for anyone with any type of condition.more...See more text