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Products and Services

  • Bankruptcy,


  • Consumer Proposals,
1675 Grafton St, Halifax, NS B3J 0E9
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Opening Hours *Holiday hours

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Ratings & Reviews - Grant Thornton Limited - Licensed Insolvency Trustees, Bankruptcy and Consumer Proposals

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    A thank you to all of the staff...

    "I wanted to take the time to thank you all who have been helping me make all of these steps in financial freedom. You all have no idea the burden you are helping lift. I offer my most sincerest gratitude and wish you all a year of love, happiness and prosperity." - Nicole, Kentville NS

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    The absolute wors...

    The absolute worst service I have ever had the chance of having. They are judge mental, rude and make you feel as if your an idiot for having an issue with your credit. They do not follow up phone calls or emails. They do not even know when your last appointment is. I spoke with a Joanne who the last three times we have spoke had the worst attitude I've ever dealt with she Talks to you like you're an idiot, if I could change trustees I would in a second. I do not reccomend this company or at least this location at all. Their professionalism, courtesy and compassion has gone on a permanant vacation.

    Are you the owner? Reply or Contact YP

    Business Reply March 30, 2016

    Thank you so much for your feedback. I'm sorry your experience with our firm has not been more favorable, as we do believe in making sure that every point of contact is meaningful and that you feel both heard and respected. We take every review seriously and want to ensure our practice is continuing to meet the needs of those who choose us during what is a very difficult time in their lives. I would like an opportunity to talk with you to learn more about the specifics of your experience and attempt to rectify the situation. I would really appreciate you contacting me directly at 902-453-6600 or toll free at 902-310-6060 to share details of your experience. Sincerely, Robert Hunt, Managing Partner of the Consumer Insolvency Business Unit, Grant Thornton Limited.

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