The Main Street Legion has a small-town feel and is a popular karaoke spot for spectators and die-hards alike. Arrive early on Wednesday nights and you’ll get a spot on stage nestled somewhere between a 60-plus pro who’s been belting out “Pretty Woman” every week for years and three drunken toque-clad twenty-somethings slurring a musical revival of their high school heydays with a Britney Spears classic. Arrive late, and getting on stage to sing your favourite probably ain’t going to happen.
Half a block from Portland Craft but a world away in terms of atmosphere is the Royal Canadian Legion, Unit 298. At long, folding tables you and your friends will find plenty of room to hang out among the veterans and members who have been coming here for decades. There’s pool tables, darts and other games, and beer is cold and affordable, if not the craft style you may be used to. Participate in a meat draw or bingo, and be sure to be respectful to those long-standing members who truly belong here.