Crossline Motors West specializes in providing top-quality used cars, trucks and SUV’s to customers throughout Edmonton, Alberta and the rest of Western Canada. We have over 600 vehicles to choose from throughout our auto group and we provide mechanical fitness assessment inspections.
John has been very patient with my husband. He has been a great salesman and I will be spreading the word! How friendly the service is here... great job!
Watch out with this company. The tires were flipped so we could not see the damage to them. Had to repace all 4 bearings and it still vibrates when going over 100km. Transmission is slipping and will have to replace soon. Only have had the vehicle for 1 month and already put $3000 into it and that dosen't include the transmission yet. Make sure when you buy a vehile from this company you take it to get a FULL inspection. Also they will NOT pay for any repairs even with a warrenty so be cautious.
I'm really sorry that you had a bad experience with us. I'm a human being and I did make a mistake. We want to every costumer leave with a smile so we would love to correct our mistake you can stop by anytime and I will be more than happy to address the issue. Hope you have a great day
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