The Religious Society of FriendsNavigating this web site: Entries are not in alphabetical order but instead age order. New entries are added to the bottom of each section. Use the search function of your browser to locate entries.Quaker blogs may be found at Planet Quaker .IndexWoolman Hill , a Quaker retreat center.Woodbrooke , a Quaker Study and retreat center in Birmingham, England.Arlington Friends House , a cooperative near BostonProNica supplies funds, equipment and information to established community organizations in Nicaragua.The Friends' Meeting House on Quaker Hill, Uxbridge TownshipBrierfield , near Pendle Hill, EnglandSusan B. AnthonyThomas S. Clarkson , Abolitionist, author of A Portraiture of Quakerism.The Quaker Writings Home Page , Peter Sippel, editor.Margaret Fell's essay 'Women's Speaking Justified, Proved, and Allowed of by the Scriptures, All such as speak by the Spirit and Power of the Lord Jesus. And how Women were the first that Preached the Tidings of the Resurrection of Jesus, and were sent by Christ's own Command, before he Ascended to the Father, John 20. 17' (written 1666 or 1667).Earlham School of Religion has scanned many texts which are free of copyright restrictions and made them available online in their Digital Quaker Collectionmore...See more text