Are you new to Edmonton? You’ve likely already visited our humongous mall.  If you’re in need of retail therapy and are wondering where to find the best locally-owned shops, here’s an eclectic rundown of men’s, women’s and children’s clothing stores, as well as other fun shops to check out. [Image credit: Chernaev]
Spring is just around the corner, which means you likely fall into one of two camps: Those who dread/avoid spring cleaning, or those who tackle dust bunnies with a vengeance. No matter your cleaning disposition, pick up a few natural, plant-based cleaning products at these eco-friendly Edmonton stores to have your home sparkling clean (without all those nasty, harsh chemicals). Happy cleaning!
We all know of a few big toy stores of the large franchise variety where you can buy all the toys your kids want from watching those pesky commercials. But, if you’re searching for something a bit different for that special kid or kid-at-heart, support these locally-owned shops who offer something that you can’t find elsewhere. You’ll be helping to keep the local, independent toy store landscape alive.
So, you want a night out on the town with your favourite guy or gal, but you’re feeling the pinch. There are still plenty of fun things to do besides the standard (not to mention, costly) dinner and a movie. Get out of your comfort zone and try something new with these cheap date nights – all ringing in at around $20 or less.
If the thought of cooking and washing dishes after a long day at work makes you shudder, treat yourself to a delicious takeout meal at one of these Edmonton originals. Some require calling ahead to place your order, while others make your piping hot and fresh meal before your eyes. Bon appétit!
It’s never too late to tap into your inner creativity and brush up on your art skills. Vincent van Gogh’s most famous pieces were painted a few years prior to his death. Edmonton has a vibrant arts scene for a city of its size and offers classes on everything from fine art, crafts and glass blowing to name a few. [Image credit:]
If you’re a new mama or papa (or have a friend or family member with a new baby), these Edmonton-based businesses are worth their weight in cotton cloth diapers. Whether you’re considering using cloth diapers to reduce your environmental footprint, or just want to check out cute baby and children’s gear, these stores have you covered.
There are tons of to-do lists for tourist attractions in Edmonton, but not too many lists of things to do for new Edmontonians. If you’ve recently moved to the capital city, here are a few things to do to during the warmer months to acquaint yourself with your new city like a local. [Image credit: indykb]