“I loved working with Geoff and found him to be a rock! He willingly gives his expertise, motivation, creativity, and amazing ideas that far exceeded my hopes and expectations. With Geoffs guidance and support, I have turned my business around and am enjoying the success that I always envisioned. I am now working on implementing a marketing and rebranding plan that we created together. He is multi-talented, however, I believe Geoff's sweet spot is his amazing ideas and creativity - he is simply the best of the best.”
WHY: To change the world for good
VISION: Healthy planet, happy people
Licenses & Certifications
Volunteer Experience
Business Donor
Child Cancer Foundation
- 5 years
Raised and donated tens of thousands of dollars over several years to the Child Cancer Foundation through Kagi product lines and the Braveheart and Jewel Purpose campaigns.
Head Track Official and Volunteer Coach
Special Olympics
- 7 years 1 month
Casual volunteer work. A natural progression from my love of athletics. I plan to return to helping disadvantaged children one day but on a much bigger scale.
Why it's getting harder to employ New Zealanders
Kiwi businesses are fed up with getting beaten up, so I wrote this story for my tribe. I also wrote it to help employees gain greater empathy for the realities of business ownership. NOTE: Stuff chose the image of Jacinda and the accompanying caption, and would not let me change it.
Does Super Rugby have the worst points system in world sport?
Not an article to solve world peace, but would bring me a little more peace whenever I look at that ridiculous Super Rugby points table.
Has Australia cracked T20 cricket?
My "Moneyball" views on the NZ T20 cricket team. Felt it was time someone addressed the elephant in the room - we have players who's statistics show they can't score fast enough to win us games.
Star Wars: The Last Jedi’s missing scenes [WARNING: contains spoilers]
My first article on my latest industry.
The Last Jedi was good but should have been great. The writers set up so many great payoffs and then failed to deliver them. Perhaps a case of too many cooks in the kitchen, or not enough.
(Apologies for the title and content changes, and typos introduced, which were beyond my control on this one.) -
Why can't the Greens be more green?
My article on the Green Party's positioning, asking why they are so far left when environment lovers are all over the political spectrum.
Seven election questions no one seems to be asking
NZ Herald
Frustrated with the political system and 2017 election, I penned this article to draw attention to seven issues politicians fail to talk about. It was published in the NZ Herald business section and featured as a top story on their homepage.
Tutira Mai - Nah Kiwi
NZ Rugby created national embarrassment by forcing this song down the throats of Kiwi crowds. I felt it was important to remind them that a) the customer is always right and b) great leadership also means pulling new initiatives that fail.
12 things the flag process got very wrong
Being a proud but frustrated Kiwi, I wrote two flag articles on the flawed flag referendum. Together they received over 100,000 views, 3,700 Facebook shares and so many comments that the comments section had to be shut down after only a few hours.
The missing vote in New Zealand's flag referendum
My first flag article.
Plenty More Fish in the CBD
Random House
Published author with Random House who was at the time the world’s largest English-language publishers. We negotiated the highest royalty they had ever paid to New Zealand authors and sold 7,000 copies (3,000 off bestseller status).
Other authorsSee publication
Director Accelerator, Institute of Directors
Effective Risk Management, Governance NZ
Governance Masterclass, Governance NZ
How to Build Your Board Career, Institute of Directors
IP with Paul Adams, Institute of Directors
Meetings, Minutes and Resolutions, Governance NZ
Working Well - Mental Health Foundation
December 4th, 2019
Deloitte Private Club
1) MBIE and Auckland Plus (now ATEED) had spent $300,000 on the Plato Programme from Brussels, but had completely dropped the ball.
2) The first group folded. Our second group kept going great, and continually refined the system.
3) But after six years and several retirements, we needed an injection of fresh energy to keep the concept going.
> Out of the big four, Deloitte were leaders in the SME space with their Fast 50 Awards but a) the engagement was…CHALLENGE
1) MBIE and Auckland Plus (now ATEED) had spent $300,000 on the Plato Programme from Brussels, but had completely dropped the ball.
2) The first group folded. Our second group kept going great, and continually refined the system.
3) But after six years and several retirements, we needed an injection of fresh energy to keep the concept going.
> Out of the big four, Deloitte were leaders in the SME space with their Fast 50 Awards but a) the engagement was only yearly and b) only for the few who made it back in.
> I delivered a proposal to Deloitte that this could be the monthly engagement system that they were after.
> They delivered a counter proposal within just one week. (EY were very interested too, but moved too slow).
> The DPC is now New Zealand's leading SME networking event.
> It has since been rolled out to six locations: Auckland, Hamilton, Rotorua, Wellington, Christchurch, Dunedin.
> Deloitte Partners are "very happy" with how it is running. It strengthens their SME positioning, gives their staff a level of SME empathy which their competitors can't match, and does lead to a few great clients too. -
Create "The world's leading business growth system"
Vision: "Create the world's leading business growth system."
> I was fortunate to have been exposed to most of the competitor's programs as a business owner.
> I also conducted in-depth interviews with SMEs to understand the true pain points and desires.
> The insight was that there were many gaps in the market. We addressed them all, especially these 5 key ones:
- They did not deliver strategic growth techniques (only operational…CHALLENGE
Vision: "Create the world's leading business growth system."
> I was fortunate to have been exposed to most of the competitor's programs as a business owner.
> I also conducted in-depth interviews with SMEs to understand the true pain points and desires.
> The insight was that there were many gaps in the market. We addressed them all, especially these 5 key ones:
- They did not deliver strategic growth techniques (only operational improvement). We do both.
- They only included the owner, so staff were not upskilled or sold on new ideas. Our price includes 4-5 senior staff as well.
- There were often many businesses in the same course which meant slower progress and less honesty. We made it one-to-one with their business only.
- The typical price point of $25,000 - $35,000 was beyond almost all SMEs. We created clever ways to hit the hot $10k pricepoint ($5k after a full NZTE voucher).
- There was no accountability, so usually, nothing happened. We built accountability and action throughout the program.
> The research and validation also allowed us to optimise the delivery structure in many different ways to maximise learning, action, and behavioural change. These techniques are somewhat confidential, but I am happy to discuss them in person.
> Overall it took two years, 300,000 words and almost $1 million to build.
> All eight pilot businesses rated it as superior to competing offerings, as have paying clients since.
> The product was quickly qualified by NZTE under their Capability Development Scheme.
> We were able to hit the $10k price point while still allowing enough margin for Spring and channel partners to earn a fair income.
> The end-result is an exceptional strategy program that delivers many multiples more than its price tag.Other creatorsSee project -
Kagi retail store
1) Kagi's web store was performing well, but the business had no direct physical sales channel to consumers outside of bi-annual clearance sales. This made it very hard for the business to develop new merchandising strategies and gain essential retail insights to better support our retailers.
2) I had negotiated Westfield down from $108,599 rent/year to $84,859 which was apparently unheard of at the time. However, a) this rent was still very high for 20sqm b) they wanted a…CHALLENGE
1) Kagi's web store was performing well, but the business had no direct physical sales channel to consumers outside of bi-annual clearance sales. This made it very hard for the business to develop new merchandising strategies and gain essential retail insights to better support our retailers.
2) I had negotiated Westfield down from $108,599 rent/year to $84,859 which was apparently unheard of at the time. However, a) this rent was still very high for 20sqm b) they wanted a five-year commitment c) they wanted a fit-out spend ~$150k d) they took a % of sales over a certain threshold and e) reserved the right to ratchet up rent as they saw fit.
> I negotiated a win-win deal with NZRPG at Milford Mall.
> Despite only have a third the foot traffic (2.8m vs 9m at Albany), the quality of customer was higher, there were fewer competitors (2 vs 11), and there were almost as many feeder women's fashion stores (13 vs 18).
> I negotiated an exceptional lease:
- Centre mall position.
- 17.5 sqm (originally 15sqm).
- $22k annual rent or 12% of net sales (originally $33,600 and 15% net sales + 6% marketing).
- 7m + 5m renewal (originally 6m + 3y + 3y).
- 1 month rent holiday.
- Free car parking for staff.
> Set up the store in under three months and $20,000 budget.
> It became Milford Mall’s top performer per square metre for 12 months running.
> Generated ~$150,000 net profit in year one alone.
> The payback period on sunk costs was just two months. -
Kagi turnaround
Kagi was losing $300,000 per year on just $300,000 of sales, and the founder was not even taking a salary yet. The options were to keep pumping it up with her family's money or shut it down. I was asked to come into the business and turn it around, ideally within just 6 months.
> Drop one of the two brands (Miss.g) so that the focus and limited resources could return to the much stronger Kagi brand.
> Drop half of the underperforming products (mostly the…CHALLENGE
Kagi was losing $300,000 per year on just $300,000 of sales, and the founder was not even taking a salary yet. The options were to keep pumping it up with her family's money or shut it down. I was asked to come into the business and turn it around, ideally within just 6 months.
> Drop one of the two brands (Miss.g) so that the focus and limited resources could return to the much stronger Kagi brand.
> Drop half of the underperforming products (mostly the fashion costume jewellery) as 300 SKUs is far too many for any $300k business.
> Drop half of the underperforming stores (including some big players like Kimberleys) and replace these with great new stores like Smith & Caughey's which could do >$50k wholesale/store/year.
> Bring in the operational discipline that was so desperately needed, especially around HR, finance, warehousing, dispatch, governance.
> Introduce strategic disciplines like competitor intelligence and market research to ensure that we designed only winning products from that point forward.
> Acting GM when needed.
> Profitability within a year and then salaries for the owners.
> 100% sales growth three years running (and with it awards on the Deloitte Fast 50 in each of those years).
> Created Kagi's original patented Jewel Carousel display system.
> Developed Kagi's innovative Mix & Match jewellery platform.
> Secured $180,000 NZTE grant to help fund export growth. -
Grow www.kiwiexperience.com online sales
The old www.kiwiexperience.com website was tired, and the legacy booking engine behind it was losing significant sales. In addition to this, the channel partners (booking agents) cost a lot to manage and took a significant margin as well. THL wanted to grow both sales and gross profits through selling more direct online.
> Phase one was to launch some back-end quick wins on the old site to improve conversion rates in the booking pages.
> Phase two was to…CHALLENGE
The old www.kiwiexperience.com website was tired, and the legacy booking engine behind it was losing significant sales. In addition to this, the channel partners (booking agents) cost a lot to manage and took a significant margin as well. THL wanted to grow both sales and gross profits through selling more direct online.
> Phase one was to launch some back-end quick wins on the old site to improve conversion rates in the booking pages.
> Phase two was to redesign the front-end of the website within some very difficult wireframe restraints.
> I also did the copy-writing and led on the creation of an interactive journey planner which was at the time a world first.
> In parallel with this, I also led on brand repositioning and new creative.
> The phase one quick wins doubled online sales per month and had a payback of just days.
> Once the full new website was live, sales leapt 5-fold, and often in the millions/month.
> Offered 8 contract extensions. Declined the 9th to help turn Kagi around. -
Protect and grow rental vehicle revenues
Ezy/Jucy rentals was growing rapidly at the lower-cost end of the market and this was hurting THL's more premium brands: Maui, Britz, and the lower cost Backpacker. The challenge was to compete aggressively with Ezy/Jucy to protect existing revenues, and also to grow market share if possible.
> We inherited an ugly depot and fleet of vehicles but cleverly and cost-effectively kit them out in line with what young and budget-conscious consumers wanted.
Ezy/Jucy rentals was growing rapidly at the lower-cost end of the market and this was hurting THL's more premium brands: Maui, Britz, and the lower cost Backpacker. The challenge was to compete aggressively with Ezy/Jucy to protect existing revenues, and also to grow market share if possible.
> We inherited an ugly depot and fleet of vehicles but cleverly and cost-effectively kit them out in line with what young and budget-conscious consumers wanted.
> I secured 0800 HIRE ME, created the "Explore More" brand name, and created the naming conventions for vehicle type which everyone loved. The "Rotovegas" vehicles were all black and given the nicknames or our sporting legends. The "Tron" vans were nicknamed after the driving legends in our sister company, Kiwi Experience, which helped secure their buy in too.
> Launched Explore More within 3 months from conception, on time, on budget.
> Doubled sales targets for the first 3 months.
> Quadrupled fleet size after 4 months to meet demand.
> Brand did its job and many years later was absorbed back into the Backpacker and Mighty brands.
Honors & Awards
Screenwriting Scholarship
ScreenwritingU are global leaders in film writing strategy and training. In 2017, I was chosen as a scholarship recipient to attend their full programme.
Deloitte Fast 50 2013
Arguably NZ's most prestigious business awards, listing the 50 fastest growing companies.
In 2013 Kagi come in 17th with 352% growth over the previous 2 financial years.
This made Kagi just one of the few companies to ever make the list 3 years running. Even more impressive was that we climbed up the list in each successive year with even greater growth.
See http://www.deloitteprivate.co.nz/fast50/2013/ -
Deloitte Fast 50 2012
In 2012 Kagi come in 26th with 257% growth over the previous 2 financial years.
Kagi also won the even more prestigious title of NZ's fastest growing exporter that year.
See http://www.deloitteprivate.co.nz/fast50/2012/ -
Emerging Exporter of the Year
Auckland Export Awards
Entrepreneur of the Year Finalist 2012 (with partner)
Ernst & Young
Having built up great success together as business partners, we entered Kat in the 2012 Entrepreneur of the Year Awards recognising 12 of NZ's most impressive entrepreneurs. While the bulk of the entry were the strategic actions I'd put in place, we could only enter one of us and she was the face of the brand so it made sense to enter her instead of me. She made the 12 finalists, and narrowly missed out on winning Young Entrepreneur of the Year on a final veto vote.
Deloitte Fast 50 2011
In 2011 Kagi come in 40th with 171% growth over the previous 2 financial years.
See http://www.deloitteprivate.co.nz/fast50/2011/ -
MBIE Plato Programme
MBIE, Auckland Plus (now ATEED)
Selected for the MBIE Plato Program as one of the 20 most promising up and coming business leaders in Auckland.
Auckland Long Jump Champion 2007
Athletics Auckland
Auckland Long Jump Champion 2006
Athletics Auckland
Auckland Long Jump Champion 2005
Athletics Auckland
NZ Junior Athletics Team
Athletics New Zealand
Test Scores
3rd Highest IQ Score - Peace Software
Score: Can't recall now
Gained the 3rd highest IQ score out of the ~600 employees in the company's history to that point.
Top Marketing Graduate - Canterbury University
Score: Top Graduate
Included 1st in Market Research, 1st in Advertising
Top Business Strategy Graduate - Canterbury University
Score: Top graduate
Included 2nd in Entrepreneurship, and 2nd in Organisational Strategy
Top School Cert Agriculture Mark in NZ
Score: 95% I think
Had to add this in for a bit of fun, and give homage to my farming background!
Institute of Directors
- PresentA best-practice governance network.
Accredited Business Partner
- PresentNZTE accredited business advisor across four core services: ★ Purpose Clarity ★ Operational Excellence ★ Strategic Growth ★ Governance/Accountability. This means that some of my work for clients is eligible under the Capability Voucher Funding scheme. For more detail, please visit https://app.regionalbusinesspartners.co.nz/MarketPlace/Provider/1916.
Deloitte Private Club
Proposal + member
- Present★ Delivered a proposal to Deloitte which they accepted and turned into their Deloitte Private Club - a monthly business event with some key points of difference over how other business networks operate. ★ It has been so successful that they've rolled it out across six locations. https://www.deloitteprivate.co.nz/resources/deloitte-private-club/
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