Meridians are channels in which Qi (vital energy) flows throughout the body. If the flow of Qi is insufficient or interrupted, the yin and yang of the body are unbalanced and a disease or dysfunction can result.
Acupuncture can treat...
• Seasonal allergies, rhinitis and sinusitis,
• Sleep disorders, ear infections and colds,
• Chronic fatigue and lack of energy,
• Stress, anxiety and depression
• Fertility disorders, pregnancy and related problems,
• Menstrual difficulties, menopause and andropause,
• Pain, musculoskeletal problems, fibromyalgia, arthritis
• Digestive disorders, IBS, urinary difficulties, nausea,
• Headaches and migraines, dizziness, tinnitus
• Tobacco addiction and other substances,
• Side effects of radio and chemotherapy,
• Dermatological problems and much more...
Discover acupuncture, part of traditional Chinese medicine, including the meridian balancing system (Dr. Tan) to restore health and promote balance!
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